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The Theme: INERTIA

Inertia, defined by the Oxford Dictionary as: A tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged. In a time when everyone is so well informed, it is disappointing how many of us are victim to inertia; thinking we are cogs in a machine. This, is not the question of irrelevance but the unwillingness and flawed mentality that exists amongst us. A world caught in a web of political, economical, geographical issues but we humans, we sit, we rest. While millions of people die, the privileged like us, continue to live inside a bubble, doing nothing. "When there's a will, there's a way." said so many people, and it is now more than ever that this statement is of the utmost importance. To be inert is to be ignorant, to pretend that there are no problems in society is the biggest problem of all. We must find the will, the drive, the passion to create change! To defy inertia.

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